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Facial mixtures using starch

 Facial mixtures using starch

Facial mixtures using starch

  • The first mixture: a mixture to get rid of excess fat.


    Starch Only


    Apply starch directly to the face, like powder used for cosmetic purposes.
  • The second mixture: removing dead skin cells


    A spoonful of starch A spoonful of glycerin


    Mix the starch and glycerin well. Then put the mixture on the face for several minutes, then rinse it with lukewarm water.
  • The third mixture: Facial peeling for oily skin


    A tablespoon of starch A tablespoon of rose water


    Mix a tablespoon A tablespoon of starch with a tablespoon of rose water. Place the mixture on low heat, stirring constantly until it becomes gel-like. Then leave it to cool, then apply it to oily skin and leave it to dry for a few minutes. Then remove it with your fingertips and wash the skin well with water.
  • Fourth mixture: Starch and milk face mask


    One tablespoon of honey Two tablespoons of starch Three tablespoons of liquid milk One teaspoon of brown sugar


    Mix the ingredients well, then apply the mixture to your face and neck after cleansing, for twenty minutes. Wash the face and neck well with cold water. Repeat the recipe once a week to get a great result.
  • Fifth mixture: Starch and honey mask for whitening


    A teaspoon of honey A teaspoon of fine salt A tablespoon of starch Half a cup of warm milk


    Pour the starch and salt into a bowl containing warm milk and mix well until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Then add honey to the previous mixture and mix again. Apply the mixture on the face and massage it in a circular motion. Rinse your face with cold water. Use the mask twice a week for two months, to get a great result.
Starch and coffee mask The starch and coffee mask is known as the best type of mask that exfoliates the face. It is also very useful for cleaning the face and increasing its hydration. Here is how to make a starch face mask: Ingredients: A tablespoon of starch. One tablespoon of oats One tablespoon of coconut oil Three tablespoons of coffee How to prepare and use: Place the ingredients in a bowl, then mix well. Apply the mixture to the entire face. Massage the face in circular motions, then leave the mask on the face for twenty minutes. Wash the face with lukewarm water. To get amazing results, repeat this recipe twice a week. Starch mask for pimples: Starch mask is considered one of the effective masks for removing acne. It is also very useful for oily skin and dry skin. The method for making the starch and papaya mask is as follows: Ingredients: Two tablespoons of papaya juice. One tablespoon of starch. One banana. One tablespoon of rose water. Method: Preparation and use: Place the ingredients in a medium-sized bowl. Stir the ingredients well until it becomes a dough-like consistency. Distribute the mask over the entire face. Leave the mask on the face until it dries. Wash off the mask with lukewarm water. To get amazing results, repeat this recipe twice a week. Starch and lemon mask for oily skin Starch and lemon mask for oily skin The starch and lemon mask is considered one of the masks that works to nourish the skin. It also removes the annoying shine that appears on oily skin due to oils and fats inside oily skin. To prepare this mask, you must follow the following: Ingredients One banana A teaspoon of lemon juice. A tablespoon of starch. A tablespoon of papaya juice. How to prepare and use: Peel the banana, then mash it and put it in a bowl. Add the starch to the bananas and stir the ingredients well. Add papaya and lemon juice to the rest of the ingredients and stir well. Apply the mask on the face and leave it until it dries. Wash the face with cold water. Starch and rose water face mask: Starch and rose water face mask is considered one of the useful masks for dry skin, because both rose water and starch work to moisturize dry skin effectively and quickly. To prepare this mask, follow the following: Ingredients: A teaspoon of rose water. A teaspoon of starch. How to prepare and use: Mix the ingredients well. Distribute the mask on the face and leave for fifteen minutes. Wash the face with cold water.
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